
Archive for April 24th, 2009

Overdose alert!!  I kinda went crazy with the naranjas today (fyi that’s oranges in Spanish).  So now that I’ve fulfilled Elise’s daily cultural lesson for all you non-espanol-ers out there, I’ll continue on with today’s post.  Gringo, much?

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I made this one with soymilk, but I am SO excited to go shopping today for a new non-milk milk.  Can I just say how amazing this blogging community is?!?  Seriously, I have a question, and I turn to you all, and voila, answer!

So a HUGE thanks for all your suggestions!  Seriously, you guys rock.

I also had few coconut date rolls (for breakfast?) just for $&*# and giggles, so deal with it.  But apparently my sweet tooth fruit cravings were in over drive, so in a very Sharon-esque manner, I piled my plate high with sliced fruit.


Did anyone catch my boyfriend Justin Timberlake on SportsCenter today?  Yeah, I realize I just said “sportscenter” in a sentence…never thought I’d see the day, Kyle would be so proud…but I digress. 

I woke up to discover my lovely fiancé had recorded a short segment of JT for me (what better way to wake up than to 3 mins of Justin on your DVR), is he TRYING to call off this wedding (?!)

…ah love (pretty sure my obsession is no secret at this point)…

Back to the eats!

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Blueberry Chobani (and another orange)


Lunch wrap: whole wheat tortilla with flax, chunky sabra hummus, fancy spring lettuce, and matchstick carrots


Lunch wouldn’t be complete without a little dessert action though.


Medjool dates stuffed with carob raisins.  NOM.

Since the weather was decent, I decided to get over to the gym to move a little…not too much, though (I made it there and back with only a little drizzle so I’ll consider it a success).  Everyone keep your fingers crossed the weather gets nice by the weekend.  I have NO desire to attempt my first half marathon in the rain.

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I’m on orange #3 here, guys!  I also indulged in some frozen grapes.

I tried hard to be productive for the rest of the day…hardware store, grocery store, home furnishing store, Victoria’s Secret (oops!) etc.

We now have curtains and all the parts needed to hang them…but for now, they’re still in the bag…baby steps people, baby steps.


For dinner I made a mega salad with spinach, broccoli slaw, sprouts, carrots, edamame, HALF an avocado, and chunky sabra hummus.


If THIS isn’t LOVE, I don’t know what is…just kidding Kyle.

On the side, I smeared a little bit heaping mountain of chunky hummus on a piece of bread.


Mmmm…I feel like I’m hemorrhaging hummus and oranges.

Guess what dessert was?  Give up?

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Fruit, of course.  Lions, tigers, and bears oranges, apples, and a dried pineapple, oh my!

Wanna win stuff?  If there is anyone else out there (besides me) who STILL hasn’t tried this SHRED business, head over to Sarah’s Sweet Lips…

As for the Blogger Summit – HOLY excitement overload!

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