
Archive for February 16th, 2010



If you want foam like whoa, you can always click over to my tutorials tab.

Anyways, I spent the AM researching items for our wedding registry.  SO.  MUCH.  FUN.  I mean, I love Kyle and all (obviously), but getting married has mega perks aside from the whole life-of-eternal-bliss thing.  I am going to have one baller kitchen once I am a Mrs.  Of course, I am always looking for more ideas, so if you want to share with me things that you think I should register for/know about – hit me up in the comments section.  In return, I have a gem to share with you!  This site has so much cool stuff for interior decorating, and it’s all reasonably priced…I mean, if I had bar stools in my kitch, I know of at least two girls who would be in my casa, stat.  Classy champagne flutes beer steins in hand obviously.

I digress.

Is there anything better than foodie packages?  No.  And it’s not even close.


Lucky me!  Thanks LARABAR 🙂  I am now two steps closer to tasting every Larabar flavor now.

While watching some tivo-ed Olympic events, I snacked on apple slices with cinnamon, then I broke open the Cherry Pie Larabar.  Wow, it was a tart one!  I liked it, but it doesn’t come close to the PB cookie or Cashew cookie flavors.

Lunch was smorgasbord-y but mostly centered around this tofu “turkey” salad.


I ate some of it straight out of the container with a spoon, while the rest of it made it’s way onto various vehicles (carrots, cukes, apples, tofu slices, etc.) in order to get it to my mouth with a quickness.


Yes, I used tofu as a dipping device for MORE tofu.  What can I say, I like weird things.


Random factoid: I keep forgetting to mention this, but last week at WFs I grabbed some pepitas from the bulk bins and I’ve been adding them to various salads and other meals.


Tonight, I added them to my quinoa.


Quinoa with dried cranz & pepitas was a fabulous combo…almost as good as sweet potatoes and BBQ sauce.


Yes, I did dump BBQ sauce all over the veggies and taters post-photo.  The quinoa can stand alone (although I don’t think BBQ sauce can really harm a dish…food for thought I guess).


Ok, back to the Olympics 🙂  I gotta say, watching these skiers tear down the mountain is putting a little pep in my step.  Maybe I’ll even make it to the gym some time this week?

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