
Archive for April 14th, 2011

Ladies and gentlemen, Alexia Spicy Sweet Potato Julienne Fries with Chipotle Seasoning


I wasn’t going to share this…because frankly I am a bit embarrassed by it…but I’m only human after all. 


So I opened this bag to make as a dinner “side dish” and guess what?  I ate the whole thing.  By myself. 


I know I’m not the first person to ever do such a thing.  But I’m not so sure it’s something I’m proud of.  I like eating what I want, when I want, and not feeling bad or guilty or whatever about it.  It’s just food; it doesn’t mean anything about me as a person, and yet, I don’t exactly like celebrating such glutinous behavior.  This was only my dinner’s side dish after all…  Sheesh. 

FYI, I’m choosing to show you the nutritional stats only because I took a photo of the label, but rest assured, the other night I turned my blind eye to it. 


They were easy as pie to make.  Dump from bag to pan and slide into oven. 


Once you smell them, you know it’s time to grub.  I had them with BBQ sauce because that’s how I roll.  Spicy and saucy are a good match. 


They were actually salty enough on their own.  I loved the flaky crust that caked each fry, but to be fair, they didn’t really taste anything like fries.  Alexia seems unsure if they are a health food or not.  Ordinarily I wouldn’t buy these on my own, but I had a coupon for one free item (the only kind of coupon I’ll use). 


But here’s the thing, I rarely (slash never) crave greasy packaged foods.  So while these baked sweet potato fries may be a healthy-ish option for those who regularly buy frozen or fried eats, for me personally, they are a big step down from my typical food choices.  Does that make Alexia’s fries a good compromise?  Or does it make me a food snob?


Maybe both.  Maybe neither.  Meh.  Whatever, I don’t have the energy.  They were ok, but I wouldn’t buy them on my own. 


Naturally I followed up my anti-Atkin’s pre-meal with an equally carb-tastic dinner. 


Tropical Traditions Coconut Peanut Butter and raisins on toasted Alvarado Street bread. 

When was the last time you opened and subsequently finished a package in one sitting?  Please don’t leave me hanging here peeps!  And please don’t judge me.  I swear I eat wholesome food most of the time!

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