
Archive for the ‘WF tofu’ Category

In my last post I showed you the prep portion leading up to the start of my work week. 

I’m glad you all found it informative and inspiring.  I promise it’s not as hard as it seems; and once you start doing it week in and week out, it becomes second nature.  Yes, I do have some OCD tendencies, and it’s hard for me to imagine a world without checklists, but it’s also what allows me to eat the way I want to (healthy and quick) when things get crazy.  While my Type-A personality can be semi-obnoxious in my personal life, being organized is definitely a blessing when it comes to packing lunches for several consecutive 12 hour shifts.


So now, as promised, I’m going to share with you how I put it all together.  This is when the time saving really becomes apparent.  The key is separately tupperwaring up foods that all work well together (you should see our fridge – it’s like an advertisement for Rubbermaid).  That way I can mix and match liberally without getting bored.  Flexibility, ya dig? 

For instance, I can toss roasted butternut squash in a salad


Or with quinoa and nutbutter


Or eat them solo as a side dish.


Really the possibilities are endless.

Here are a few sample lunches and dinners, all using the same ingredients:


Dinner with quinoa, butternut squash, sweet potato, mango, edamame, and tofu (made in under 5 minutes).


The quinoa, tofu, squash and sweet potato were all pre-cooked and individually tupperwared.  The mango and edamame were frozen and took 45 seconds to thaw.  Chop chop wham bam thank you ma’am.


Lunch of quinoa, parsnips, fingerling and sweet potatoes, squash, and edamame.


The dressing on this was a brilliant combo of lime juice, Bragg’s aminos, and agave nectar.  To be honest, the agave wasn’t even necessary because the lime juice and Bragg’s combo was delicious all by itself.


Lunch salad with spinach, bell peppers, carrots, roasted veggies, avocado, dried cranberries, tofu and more avocado


Dinner of quinoa, seitan, and roasted veggies with Bragg’s liquid aminos.


Another quinoa dinner, this time with roasted carrots, squash, and parnsips and Artisana cashini butter.


And yet more quinoa!  This time as a breakfast dish before work with apples, cinnamon, NuNatural’s liquid vanilla stevia and raisins.

I feel like a mix master with all these combos.  Remember factorials in math?  It’s kinda like that (I’m such a nerd). 

A few people have asked me if I ever get bored with using the same ingredients.  Usually, no. 

However, every once in a while (maybe on the last day of a long stretch of shifts), I don’t feel overly excited about anything I have on hand.  But rather than force myself to eat something just because it’s already made, I’ll figure out what I’m really craving and make that instead.  I’m not a machine!  I want what I want, and I’m not going to shove food down my throat simply because it’s there!  I know myself though, and I can pretty accurately predict what I’ll be craving and when.  So as long as I have backup options (frozen veggie burgers, soy nuggets, whatever) on hand, I don’t ever have too hard a time finding something I’m in the mood for.  And if hell freezes over, there’s always Whole Foods 🙂


Next up, the actual art of packing it all up.

The trick is to account for all kinds of cravings (salty, sweet, savory) as well as a variety of textures and temperatures (crunchy, homey, warm, cold).  I bring bigger, heartier options along with smaller, lighter ones.  I make sure I have snacks that I can grab on the go.  And I always bring more than I think I will need. 

Variety is the spice of life, and so when I pack my food for the entire day, I try to imagine every single scenario that could arise. 


Will I want a sweet ending after lunch?


Dark chocolate and/or sweet cocoa almond trail mix

Will I want a simple or complex carbohydrate breakfast?


Fruit and/or grains

Will I be in the mood for a salad at lunch?


(I almost always am)


Or will I be rushing around all morning and need small nutrient dense snacks to tide me over until I get a chance to eat a full meal in the late afternoon?

These are the things I try to accommodate with my pre-packed eats.  You see, because my job doesn’t have a reliable schedule, I have to be able to adapt my meal plan as I go. 

And for the record, I have 3-5 bars (Lara, Clif, Prana, to name a few) in my locker at any given time.  Just in cases. 


Here’s yesterday’s lunch as an example.


When I make trail mix it’s never the same thing twice because I make it with whatever random ingredients I am in the mood for in the moment (dried fruit, carob chips, cereal, granola, nuts, seeds, etc.).


My oatmeal breakfast brought some warmth to my belly, therefore satisfying my craving for a complex carb to keep my sated until lunch.  I pimped it out with different ingredients to keep my taste buds on their toes…nothing like a strawberry compote, cinnamon, shredded coconut, and stevia to bring a new twist to a classic bowl of oats.


This quinoa, butternut, raisin dish satisfied my homey, comfort food craving.


While this colorful salad satisfied my craving for something with a big crunch factor.  Full of raw veggies, including carrots, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, atop a bed of romaine lettuce.


Let’s not forget about the random side snacks of pistachios, candied ginger, and apples.

Done and done.

Isn’t it crazy how the same ingredients can turn into such a range of dishes?  From savory to sweet, the possibilities are endless!

I suppose at some point everyone’s professional life spills into their personal life just a bit, and for me it’s the check-it-off-the-to-do-list nature of nursing that has seeped it’s way into my non-hospital time.  Who knows, maybe I was born to be a task master food prepping nerd all along.  Nobody ever died from being too organized though, right? 

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On my days off, I like to sleep in.  The first thing I do upon waking up is wash my face and brush my teeth.  But less than a second after, I make coffee.

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After that I water my babies. 

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Then, I set up shop on our dining room chairs and read blogs, write, and do whatever internet related errands I’ve put off for the past few days.

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All while enjoying coffee. 


Coffee topped with froth and cocoa, to be exact.  At least, that’s what I did on Friday.


I also had the last piece of my pumpkin banana bread.  It’s created quite the buzz in the blogworld, which is evidence enough of how tasty it is…but in case you still don’t believe me, how’s this for a glamour shot.


I drizzled creamy peanut butter on top of the warm heel piece.  While I’m sad this loaf is gone, I still have the other loaf in the freezer to enjoy in the coming week (hooray!).  I try to make extra portions of my meals, baked goods, just about anything and everything to freeze and save.  It’s especially helpful during the work week, to have already prepared, home-cooked food, that requires nothing more than a quick session in the microwave.  Easy peasy. 


Lunch was a different kind of sammie. 


Layers of fall and breakfast.


You see, I had some fall items on hand, but wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye to the AM part of the day…


…hence the breakfast ingredients in the sandwich.


Daiya love it?  I do.  I also love avocado. 


This was the weirdest avocado I’ve ever seen.  When I tried to split it open, the entire skin came off the one side, leaving the fruit in tact.  As a result, I had a tough time slicing it, and resorted to using the entire top portion.


One half avocado, one half winter squash.  This frikin’ gourd was the most impossible thing to cook by the way.  I went to desperate places, involving Halloween-inspired knife maneuvers, multiple microwave intervals, and quite a bit of sweat.  I actually gave up half way through the first time I tried cooking it.


[Photo evidence]  I seriously couldn’t get the knife out of the dang gourd for a few hours.  And since I was starving at the time, I gave up and came back to it the next day. 


After a few different sessions on the microwave, I was finally able to get the knife through it. 


And look how pathetic the yield was?  That little amount of flesh was hardly worth the effort.  In other words, this may be my last gourd purchase.


Cool looking?  Affirmative.  Worth it?  Negative. 

But because I am persistent above all else, I vowed to use it in some way.  Thus, the following sandwich. 


After caking each half with avo and gourd guts, I topped it with an egg and vegan cheese.


Fall breakfast sandwich

  • 1/2 avocado
  • winter squash, mashed (ie butternut, delicata, chayote, etc.)
  • 1 egg, sunny side up
  • Daiya cheddar cheese (or whatever cheese you want)
  • sprouted bread (I used Ezekiel 7 grain)


Fold the egg, give the bread a quick smoosh, and dig in. 


I usually cut my sammies in half to make them easier to eat.  Heaven forbid the ingredients slide out…


And I always eat the smaller half first, because that way once I’m done I don’t get sad, because I still have the BIGGER half left.  I’m a freak, I know. 


This sando was good, but next time I will use a different squash.  Maybe one that doesn’t require 2 days of prep?

I ended lunch on a sweet note.  An extra special one, at that. 



To say this was a treat would be an understatement.  So where did this delicious looking cookie come from?


I thought this family couldn’t get any cuter, but I was wrong. 


Mama Pea you have outdone yourself…  The cookies are light, moist, and flavorful.  Not too crumbly, not too chewy, but rather a perfect hybrid of both characteristics.  There was a subtle ginger flavor, which I loved, but the outer sugar crystals were the best part.  And somehow they weren’t overly sweet either.  Brilliant!


I have no doubt Mama Pea’s imminent cookbook is going to be a huge success.  After tasting this recipe, I’m beyond thrilled for it’s release.  Her reci-peas are gonna be the next best thing since sliced bread Ezekiel english muffins. 

After digesting another cookie and a half :)  I went for a run.  I try not to force exercise in on work days (unless I feel up to it), because I have way more energy on my days off and I prefer saving it for a more productive session.  I think that pushing myself to do a half-a$$ workout when I don’t have much energy is pointless.  Even if this philosophy means fewer workouts and less time exercising as a whole, I’m pretty sure my body gets way more out of a workout when I’m giving 100%.  Granted I’m not doing the kind of mileage that really requires recovery time, but I’m sure the days off don’t hurt with that either. 

Post run (and post shower), I had some vegan fudge.  Then Ethel came over and we went for a romantic stroll. 


We enjoyed the sunset from Ocean Ave, and then walked back to la casita.  On the way home this happened:


Ick.  How gross am I for showing my foot on the blog?  The blood just wouldn’t stop.  Rather than freak out, I couldn’t help but brag at how vascular my toe was.  What seemed like a simple stub looked like a Dexter-esque blow.  My hands and feet are almost always 15 degrees cooler than my body’s core temp, so I sometimes worry that I have crappy circulation.  But this blood-fest confirms it – I’m a very vascualr girl.  If I had diabetes or if I smoked my toe would’ve produced maybe a drop…but no…I’m a healthy bleeder.  Perhaps I’ve taken my cardiac nursing too far…

Back to the food.

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WF prepared eats!!!

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The end of the work week needs to be celebrated, right?  Ok, ok, so I didn’t even work on Friday…whatever…any excuse will do. 

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I got the tofu fumi salad and Asian sesame tofu too. 

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So greasy! 

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Ordinarily, WF is know for it’s fresh, local, organic, clean prepared eats, but let’s not forget they have perfectly delicious hangover food too.  Not that I was hungover while eating this, but that’s kinda the genre I put certain foods in.  And Whole Foods’ prepared tofu is the perfect meal when you are craving super greasy Chinese food (which – and I’m sorry to make this association – is sometimes a post-boozing necessity).  While still insanely oily, it’s a good alternative to a generic Chinese take-out order.  I mean, for one, there’s no MSG, plus, there’s no hydrogenated nastiness, unhealthy oils, and the produce involved in the fumi salad is quality produce.

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After dinner, Ethel got out her goods for a major girly night. 

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My toe finally stopped bleeding enough for her to give me a pedicure.  Now that’s a good friend!!

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Plus my fingies.  I’m in a purple phase. 


Ok, so now, about the post title…(yes, it’s a giveaway)!

CSN has generously offered to give one HHH reader $65 to use on any of their goods (which is pretty sweet considering they have everything under the sun available).  Check it out for yourself, CSN Stores literally has anything you could ever want, with over 1 million products and 200+ online stores…it’s basically free money in your pocket.

I will announce the winner Monday evening (Nov. 1st), so get your entries in stat!

The only thing you have to do to enter is comment telling me your favorite thing to do on your day off. 

*Bonus entry for tweeting the giveaway and then commenting here to tell me you did so. 

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It’s all coming back to me nowwwww.

Hideous song.  I apologize.  But it’s how I feel now that I’m back at work.  I love it!  I can’t even tell you how awesome it feels to be nursing again.  I will write more about my job in the coming weeks but for now I am going to bust through the food.  *This post is old, so disregard any references to time.  My first day was actually last Thursday and I wrote this shortly thereafter but never got the post up.


Remember my pre-packed eats from yore?



This salad had 3 shafts of kale, 3/4 avocado, 1 apple, and dried cranberries.


Plus the “very berry” salad dressing recipe posted here.


Also in my lunchbox was Mrs. May’s Acai Strawberry Trio bar.


These were another Costco purchase and at first I wasn’t too into them, but they are growing on me.  They remind me of a cross between a Kind bar and a Boomi bar (both winners in my book).  I guess you just have to be in the mood for lots of nuts.  😛


As if I wouldn’t include hummus in my first work lunch.  (Duh)  I had the perfect amount of Mary’s Gone Crackers for the mini Sabra tub.  Clearly it was meant to be.


All packed up and ready to go 🙂

Other reasons I’m so stoked to be nursing again?  My parents gave me THE best birthday present ever!


So pretty!!!  A few people may recall how sad I was when my beautiful baby blue stethoscope was stolen (with only 3 shifts left).  This one is so much better!  First of all, it’s specialized for cardiology.  And second of all, it’s engraved with my (new) name.  Can you see it in the first picture?  Kinda?


First day coffee start!!!!!

I’m a nerd…but at least I didn’t have Kyle take a pic of me in my scrubs…yet.

I did take a photo of my hair today to show you how low maintenance sick I truly am.  I took my hospital ID photo looking like this today.  Not that I straighten or blow dry my hair for work (believe me I don’t), but I do try to put some effort into my appearance.


Gross.  I hadn’t showered in I’m-not-saying-how-long.  Why, exactly, am I admitting this?  No clue.  But I’ve been sick so that’s a legit excuse right?  It’s not like I’m exercising.  My heart rate hasn’t beat faster than 80 since last week.

That’s my mom’s camera that I’m “testing out” by the way.  I love it!!


Once I got home from work I slothed it up in my PJs…with an after-school (errr…work) snack of course.


I definitely took this PB&J tortilla in bed with me.  I was seriously struggling.  The peanut butter and jelly burrito helped a bit.


Embarrassingly enough, post snackage I face-planted into my pillow for a 2.5 hour nap (that’s not the embarrassing part…just wait for it).  When I woke up, I still felt so crappy I started sobbing.  Weak Elise, very weak.

Despite my non-existent appetite, I knew just the thing to help cheer me up.  By this, I mean Whole Foods of course.


I know you aren’t supposed to eat your feelings…but the prepared foods bar should be exempt.

This was the most packed I’ve EVER gotten one of the brown boxes.


There were about 15 different layers going on here.  Let me try to remember:

  • BBQ tofu
  • orange kale salad
  • spinach
  • bell peppers
  • carrots
  • grapes
  • pineapple
  • dried cranberries
  • water chestnuts


Of course it was so massive I had to transfer it into a mixing bowl.

And yet, there was still more leftover!  I think half this salad satisfied the next week’s veggie quota.


I soothed my fiber baby with fizzy mango Kombucha.


My mom got me a few of these (by Rejuvenation Company) back in August.  I have no clue where she found them since it was back when these delicious fermented beverages were removed from all stores.  Talk about the best surprise ever!!  I had the ginger flavor before my wedding 🙂

I feel like a traitor saying this, but I think I may like this brand more than Synergy.  They are fruity, but not too sweet, and the aftertaste isn’t as acidic as Synergy’s.  They do a higher kcal count, but I’m not too put off by that.  Every once in a while a girl needs some raw cultures.

P.S.  In case I didn’t already prove how awesome my mom is (see above story) she recently sent me this link and I have definitely spent more than an appropriate amount of time virtually carving a pumpkin.


I’ve gotta get a life.

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Monday had very little going on for me.  My bicycle (which was getting new gear switcher thingies) was finally done and ready for pick up, but aside from that I did little else worth mentioning.

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I started the day with another carob coffee concoction.  This time I added a tsp of carob powder to the milk during the frothing process.

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Turned out pretty well.


Later on I had a big bowl of fruit, including two apples and some strawberries with cinnamon on top.


I reread Skinny Bitch on Sunday night and it reminded me of several things, including the digestion benefits of starting your day off with fruit.  Some people may not agree with certain parts of the book or the tone the authors take to present the advantages of veganism, but there are some things that leave you stunned and wanting to do further research.  That’s how I felt the first time I read it, and that’s how I wound up looking into the topics that the book highlighted.  Maybe it’s not a Pulitzer Prize winning work, but it successfully opened my eyes, so I’d say it’s worth reading if you haven’t yet.

But back to the fruit thing.  The concept of eating fruit first is mentioned in Skinny Bitch as a means of cleansing your system as you start your day.  To me, this seems similar to the logic behind food combining, which is based on the idea that different foods or food combinations may be digested with greater ease and/or efficiency than others.  I’m not going to get into gastric physiology here, but I do think there are overlaps in as far as fruit is concerned.  In a perfect GI system (which I don’t have btw) fruit is digested faster than other things, therefore eating it first will aid in digestion.  Or, to put a different spin on it, not eating it last will be less of an irritation in digestion.  I have IBS, but I’m certainly not an expert on this, so please don’t think this is the answer to all your problems (I wish it were that simple).  However, the goal of food combining (or eating fruit before other foods) is to avoid fermentation in the GI tract.  This delays digestion, slows the passage of food, and is just plain painful.  How’s that for a light morning discussion.

Who else has read Skinny Bitch?  Thoughts? I (still) choose to ignore the coffee part…yes, I’m aware I have a problem…does admitting it at least remove me from the denial category?


For lunch I had grilled cheese with Daiya cheddar (obsessed much?).

Later I did a Jillian workout (15 minutes) and then ran to the bike shop (~1 mile) to pick up my baby.  I rode all the way home and loved every second of the ride.  I wanted to keep going, but I had to meet Kyle on campus, so my longer ride will have to wait.  I’ve missed riding my bike so much!  I need to look up trails and routes in the Santa Monica area.


I rushed to get ready, which left me hardly enough time to eat a quick snack before catching the bus to Westwood.  They weren’t glamorous to photograph, but stuffed medjool dates are the perfect snack when you’re in a rush.  I typically opt for almonds, carob chips, or nut butter, but I had pumpkin seeds on hand, and figured why not.  It’s autumn appropriate, right?


Campus was still fairly empty since school hasn’t started yet for undergrads.


We are having pretty weird weather lately, but school still looks as gorgeous as ever.


Welcome home Bruins!  I can’t remember the last time I was on campus, so it was weird and cool to be back on my old stomping grounds.

I met up with Kyle just as he was finishing at the clubs fair and we made our way to the first official Joint Ventures event.


At the risk of sounding like a huge nerd (what a pointless battle), I’ll explain to you what Joint Ventures is.  As a grad student, Kyle has social events up the yin-yang (and some school too 😛 ).  As a grad school student’s wife, I’m going to be as involved as possible with the social events.  And because there are several other married/engaged couples in the same position, there’s a club for all the couples called Joint Ventures.  Sounds semi business-y huh?  Well, it’s really just a club for the old farts to act like the wild children we once were.  I was a bit overwhelmed at first, but I’ve already gotten to know tons of fun people.  Cheers to having a social life!

We mingled for a while and then hit up Whole Foods for dinner.


Fumi tofu salad with slivered almonds.


We bussed home and called it a night.

Before I forget, I wanted to let you know that the following coupon code will get you 30% off anything in my OpenSky shop.  The coupon is good for the first five customers who use it and expires on September 30, so don’t wait.


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Ok.  Honestly?  I’m feeling a bit sick…great way to start off married life, huh? 

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It’s not surprising that an illness should strike now, after the intense go-go-go nature of the past month I guess I had it coming.  My body must’ve caught wind that my defenses are (finally) down.  Too much travel, too little sleep, and on top of it all, my eating habits have been ridiculously (and abnormally) erratic over the past week (see above breakfast of crackers & hummus).  I guess my immune system deserves a day off…I just hope a day doesn’t turn into a week.  I have a to-do list the size of China.

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Yesterday was not how I want to remember my first days of wife-dom (it’s not a real word, but just roll with it). 

My body was (and still is) out of whack.  I slept ‘til noon.  I had the above crappola in lieu of coffee.  Along with the below PB & date platter.

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And I went back to sleep right after.

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Sleeping on a full stomach is my least favorite thing.  Ever.  So that should tell you something about how crappy I felt. 

On top of it all, Kyle was off being super productive at school, leaving me to get our lives re-organized and I didn’t even accomplish a single thing on my to-do list.  Wife fail.  Don’t worry, I promise I’ll make it up to him…  It just won’t be with a clean home or hot from the oven dinner.  ;) 

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Whole Foods’ prepared meals aren’t the worst alternative though.

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Putting grapes in my salad is a new fave.  Especially with the Gardein curry “chik’n” salad.  Other assorted (read random) goodies include edamame and BBQ tofu.  Totally bizarre and totally delicious. 

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After dinner I had an apple and a big bowl of carob chips with roasted almonds.  Salty and sweet.  Too bad my body wasn’t feeling it.  I started to get headache-y and nauseous pretty soon after dinner.  Water didn’t help.  Bed didn’t help.  So after 45 minutes of wishing my sickness away (I may be a nurse, but I’m not a big fan of meds), I sucked it up and turned to Excedrin Migraine.  It did help a bit with the headache…but the caffeine kept me wide awake into the wee hours of the morning.  Not so good in terms of getting my jet-lagged body back on track. 

Have you ever found that your body waits until after big events to break down?  I almost always got sick right after finals in college, or right after a big deadline.  It’s like the immune system can fend off disease during high stress times, but only for so long…and once you reach the top of the mountain, your body knows it can afford to coast on the way down.  I remember reading about this idea in Brendan Brazier’s book, and now I’m fairly certain it’s true.  Wedding season has come and gone and my body’s defenses are ready to veg.  I have no doubt I’ll bounce back soon though.  There’s nothing a kale-packed green monster can’t fix, right?

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How I love thee, let me count the ways…


1. Prepared foods bar

As you are about to see, I’ve been going through a few obsessions.  Whole Foods makes it dangerously easy to slip into food ruts because each dish is better than the last and meals require no effort whatsoever (aside from determining if you want the Kirstie Alley size or the more moderate portion) because they are already prepared.



Fumi Tofu Salad

I was first introduced to this glorious dish back in my college days, when the Whole Foods opened in Westwood and my pathetic bank account went from sad-college-student-status to overdraft-fee-status).  Now whenever I see Fumi Tofu Salad in the prepared foods section, my meal choice is a no brainer.


Of course the real perk of Whole Foods dining is the sheer variety at your fingertips fork tines.   How fantastic that you can have such choices all in the same place!?  It certainly makes it easy when eating with large groups (as a vegan, I can’t even put into words how clutch this has been).

So when I OD on Asian inspired eats (see above Fumi salad), I can simply wander two steps over and – voila – I have Indian dishes aplenty.



Curry Gardein Chik’n Salad

This salad recipe needs to make it’s way to their website pronto because I’m now a Gardein worshiper.  The combination of the faux-meat with veganaise and curry makes for one delish treat.  They must have some secret ingredient in those magic kitchens of theirs though, because try as I might to recreate this dish, I can’t quite master it.  Whole Foods wins again.



(To be fair, this is not a recent obsession, it’s a lifestyle)


So when I’m not in the Asian or Indian sections, it’s safe to say I’m filling my basket with Mediterranean goods.

The carry-out prepared foods items are perfect for on-the-go meals, and being the jet-setter that I am, they have become absolutely indispensable for car rides/flights/etc.

And then there’s the ‘FU…


I don’t care how masterful at marinading you think you are, once you have tried WF’s tofu, there is no other that compares.  Sad but true.

2. Fresh fruit


Paying my week’s earnings for a quart of strawberries is something I do willingly.  No ifs, ands, or buts about it.  Organic produce is worth the $$$$.



How ‘bout them apples nails?


Leads with a “9”  🙂




The redness of the strawbz & apples looks fake – it’s just so gorgeous!


3. Salad bar

If I were to add up the money I spend at the Whole Foods salad bar, it would make Kyle cry.

What can I say?  Some like shoes, some like purses, I like the WF salad bar.  And the fact that food is my not-so-secret obsession is a source of pride (hence this post).

Get ready for the montage of the century (and bear in mind this is only a couple of week’s worth of WF trips).













If I were doing a salad bar highlight reel, the stars of the show would be: eggless “egg” salad, babaganoush,  couscous, udon noodles, edamame, seitan, and every different tofu offered.

I hope that heaven has a Whole Foods.

4. Baked goods


On days that I can’t make up my mind, I go to the bakery section and get a fresh roll and a tub of hummus.  It’s simple, cheap, and I can be in & out of the store in less than 5 minutes.  You can’t beat that (plus it evens out the length of my other trips to Whole Foods, which are usually in the 2 hour range).


In addition to their addicting fresh breads, recently Whole Foods has been carrying soft pretzels in the baked goods section.


Well, we all know about my history with pretzels (it’s a salty carbohydrate, you do the math).

If you are a new reader, take note: I don’t think a better vehicle for hummus exists (in my humble, yet experienced opinion).


Carbs + salt = what’s not to love?!?  This oat/seed coated twist is the best thing since sliced bread.


5. Non-sugar, non-chemical drinks


As a former soda addict, rehabbing with Zevia has made the detox period much more tolerable.


And yet, I’m still a tad depressed that Kombuchas have been recalled from the shelves.  Now where am I going to get my beloved swamp water live cultures?


THANK YOU WHOLE FOODS!  Without your endless supplies of new vegan eats, fresh produce, and healthy creative recipes, my hippie lifestyle would be way less tasty.

*Pics taken at various Santa Monica locations, as well as Walnut Creek, Westwood, and Santa Barbara.

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In between apartment searching, we’ve been doing some exploring…


Looks like WF has some competition (not really, but let’s pretend)!  Can you believe I had never heard of Co-Ops until a year ago?  I grew up with Farmer’s Markets, Health Foods Stores, and the likes, but somehow this amazing phenomenon eluded me.  Luckily Santa Monica has one that I know will become a mainstay in my life.

In addition to local growers’ produce, etc. this place has tons of great prepared eats…vegan and raw goods aplenty!  The raw foods section was really $$$, but sometimes those treats are worth it, nameen?  Maybe when I have an income again…  And it all looked SO incredibly tasty (upwards of 10 raw hummus/nut pate flavors – score!!), and there were tons of options.  I thought I would miss One Lucky Duck and Pure Food & Wine, but it looks like I have found a (barely cheaper) alternative.

So what did I get on my first trip?  Falafel!!


Since I was having issues making decisions (I wanted everything!), I went with this stand-by fave and TWO kinds of hummus (OG and RRP).


Look how bright orange that Roasted Red Pepper flavor is!?!  Also notable was how incredibly runny it was, as compared to the original, which was a bit thicker.  No matter…I left no prisoners (aka I licked them both clean). 

I also discovered they changed the location of the Westwood Village Farmers Market (since I last lived here circa 2000s). 


If you had to guess what I got, what do you think it would be…



Guess where else we went?  D & P!


Damon & Pythias is another favorite spot from back in my college days.  I used to frequent this restaurant once a week minimum

I wasn’t super hungry when we went, so I made my own salad.



Ok, this is the HALF size.  I can’t even begin to think of how big the full would be.  I mean, I am no stranger to packing it down (I can stuff my face with the best), but I this had several fists of spinach alone.

The rest of the ingreds I asked for got a little messed up, but still made for a legit salad (kidney, white beans, peas, corn, raisins, carrots, tomatoes).  I also got a balsamic vinaigrette on the side (I only used one of the two). 


The above masterpiece is my WF vegan Caesar pride and joy (romaine, cabbage, shredded carrots, tofu, fresh sourdough croutons, vegan caesar dressing, Bragg’s apple cider vinegar, and vegan Parma sprinkled on top).  Faboo.

I have actually managed to find my way to about five different Whole Foods hot bars in Santa Monica.  I can stiff them out like it’s my job (and what a job THAT would be!!!). 

Do you feel a WF montage post coming soon?  Nod “yes” because it’s only a matter of time. 😉

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Hello from Cabo San Lucas!

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Last time I was here was January of last year and it was so fun I have no idea why I haven’t returned sooner…oh wait…there was that little job thing…

Now, I feel like I’m on summer vacation.  Even though living out of a suitcase can get old, I’m very aware of how lucky I am to be able to spend time off (post-move/pre-wedding) relaxing, visiting with friends, family, etc.

Prior to heading to the airport on Thursday morning, Kyle and I made a few essential stops.

1. Starbucks

[non-pictured soy misto]

2. Whole Foods


Who knew they would have such a legit wrapped up meal ready to take on the road?  Well, duh, it IS Whole Foods.  I swear to never again doubt you my love.

I was a bit worried about the little tub of teriyaki sauce, but I’m happy to report that my 4 ounces were safely smuggled through LAX’s security.


I ate half while waiting for the boarding to begin, and the rest on the plane.

It was the best thing I have eaten on a plane in I-don’t-know-how-long.  Also, (for all the IBS-ers out there) in terms of foods that are easy on the tum, brown rice and tofu are about as benign as it gets.  There were a few greens and roasted red peppers too though, so I also felt like my veg quota was semi-met.  Happy Hippie 🙂

Once we landed my parents picked us up (they had arrived a few hours earlier and had already gotten the rental car and done the grocery shopping – talk about perfect timing!).  If you read the previous posts I linked to above you know that my parents own a house in Cabo, so I am familiar with the area, but this was Kyle’s first trip. 

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I got right to work once we got to our placePacifico time!

And shortly thereafter we headed to dinner at Mi Casa.

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Corona time!

It’s fairly easy to be vegan in Mexico (or at least meat and dairy free) – as long as you like beans, guacamole, and salsa (check, check, and check!).


There’s no telling if there is or isn’t lard in the tortilla chips/tortillas, so I’m operating under the ignorance-is-bliss theory.  I ordered a salad which came with beans, corn, bell peppers, tomatoes, and tortilla strips (I nixed the queso but otherwise it was already a menu item so it wasn’t a big deal for them). 


Once it arrived, I added a very generous portion of guacamole to it, as well as (more) pico de gallo.  Perfection.

In the last few days I’ve been inhaling so many chips you’d think it was my last meal on Earth.  I think I’m on vacay mindset, but I suspect (slash hope) my love affair with the crispy blue corn buggers will naturally wane.  I don’t want to deprive myself because, hell, I’m in friggin’ Mexico, but at the same time, I have NO intention of altering the size of my wedding dress…ya dig?  So, that said, I’m trying to get a good balance of indulging with moderation.


Blue corn heaven.


Produce galore.


Lunch.  Aka TWO avocados, one massive tomato, half a lime (juice), S & P.

Anyways, you get the idea…it’s summah time and the livin’s easy 🙂


Other good veg Mexican options include vegetable Fajitas, vegetable tacos, a beans & rice combo platter or (if you’re an avo lover like I am) straight up guacamole for one. 

And when all else fails, just order fish tacos without the fish.  The other night I had to get creative because they enter the orders in via computer.  It put a bit of a glitch in my ordering, but in the end I got crafty. 

Ok, that’s enough for now…time to get back to the beach…

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After saying goodbye to this:


And saying hello to this:


I LOVE YOU CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Talk about feeling like I returned home.  Everything feels right in the world now.  Seriously.  There is no other way to describe it.  I just feel like – at long last – I’m back to the city where I am meant to be. 

Kyle and I have been running all around So Cal, seeing friends, organizing our lives, buying a car, frequenting the WF hot bar, frequenting Starbucks, and y’know, just vegging out. 


Oh, did I mention the WF hot bar?


I can pack those cardboard boxes like it’s my j-o-bizzle.  If navigating the hot bar were an Olympic event, I’d take the gold medal without even batting an eyelash.  My latest list of essential goods: falafel, lentil salads, edamame salad, veggies, and enough hummus to satisfy an Israel army.


Psst, I have a crush on you, Kombucha

This smorgasbord of a post comin’ atcha is very representative of this week’s assorted eats.

But first, let me just vent a bit about the current state of car financing.

What. The. Eff.

I realize the past year has been a bit rough in the auto industry, but seriously, Kyle and I are two of the most financially responsible people, and yet, nobody will let us buy a car!!!  Yeah, I’m jobless and he is starting school, so the income thing isn’t on our side, but we deliberately set aside money for this.  Strike one.  Also, the dealerships seem to take issue with our lack of a permanent address (we aren’t looking to get an apartment for the next few months since we will be traveling so much).  But I consider CA my home state, my license has always been a CA license, and my parents have lived in the same house in Nor Cal for well over a decade.  What more do I need to do to prove I’m a CA resident?!?  Strike two.  And then there was the ridiculous excuse for customer service.  I was prepared for pushy salespeople, but I was NOT prepared for apathetic employees.  It was like nobody cared if we bought a car or not.  My sister works in a similar area, so I’m very familiar with how important being personable is in making a sale.  She would NEVER treat her costumers this way.  Strike three.

The most frustrating part of the whole day (9 hours, 3 dealerships…shoot me) was the fact that I was told nearly 20 times that I needed to get a job.  After the first few times, I started to get realllllly annoyed.  Mind your own business.  What about me screams slacker?  Could it be my organized file folders with old pay stubs?  Or maybe the perfect credit score?  UGH.  I wanted to pull my hair out.  


At least I had good food 🙂


I’m definitely in a Mediterranean rut.  Falafel.  Hummus.  Quinoa salads.



Oh, and crusty bread (with hummus obviously).


That roll was almost the size of my face (aka perfection).  Cedarlane hummus was cheap, but I don’t think I’ll buy it again.  There was something a bit tangy about it. 


This vegan hummus was out of this world, though.  It was one of 4 hummuses (hummusi?) available at the Santa Monica WF’s prepared foods bar, and was downright amaze.


Also buried way under there was BBQ tofu and savory tofu (with pineapple), which weren’t the best, as well as four pita wedges (two white, two whole wheat), and veggies naturally. 


Kombuchapple = best snackage around.  Why do some flavor explode more than others?  I can’t seem to solve the mystery on Kombucha de-fizzle-fication, but there MUST be some kind of science to it, right?  If anyone has tricks to keep the overflow to a minimum puh-leeze hook a sistah up! 

And even though I have made my love for the ‘Bucks very well known by now, here’s yet another reason why this company is so. damn. cool. 


See that?  Annie’s, Lucy’s, and Two Mom’s In The Raw.  Coming soon to a Starbucks near you!  I’m so proud of you Starbucks!  Way to pave the way for other eateries in raw, vegan, and gluten free options.  I tip my hat hummus filled fork to you.

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This post is super old but I didn’t have internet for the looooongest time…let’s back track a few days:

Kyle and I were up at 6 am to do some last minute prep work before the movers arrived. 


Naturally a run to the ‘bucks was in order.

Once 9 am rolled around, the movers arrived and we sat back and watched the magic happen (wow!!).  Talk about perfecting their craft (I’m taking the liberty of describing moving as an art form – if you’ve ever done a big one, you will agree with me on this)…this experience seriously spoiled me; I am never moving without hired help again.

Soon enough our tummies were rumbling so I ran to Le Pain Quotidien for some breakfast goodies.


Hello lovers.


Glorious carbage.


Then I ran to Starbucks for a (free) refill for moi.  While the refill was free, the cashier used a new cup and handed me back both my old one AND a new one.  WTF?  Totally defeats the purpose of the refill idea…sigh.  Did I lecture her on being green and wasting paper?  No.  I’m not that extreme.  Did I want to?  You betcha.


Sitting around watching them pack can really get boring.  I started to go a bit stir crazy…so since the rain had stopped, I decided to go for a walk.


Making progress…


For lunch, I went to our local health foods store (Gary Null’s Whole Foods Uptown), and grabbed a sammie & apple which I ate on the roof top.  After much debate I decided on the eggless “chicken” salad sandwich, which is just a vegan spread using veganaise and vegan bread.


Ellie, I thought of you while eating this 🙂


I ate on the rooftop, so I could say goodbye to our beautiful views of the Jerz.

After lunch we wrapped things up and shipped on out.


I know my bags look like regurgitated creamed spinach and I happen to find it quite amusing thankyouverymuch.  I bought them a few months ago because I thought they looked delightfully hideous and I was sick of not knowing which bags were mine coming out of the carousel.  Not only has that problem been eliminated, but I crack up every time I see them…as do my fellow passengers.  It’s a win win!

Worse than my baggage, however, is the fact that for the next THREE MONTHS I will be living out of these bags and these bags alone (Kyle managed to fit all his stuff in 2 suitcases…being a male must be so rough [sarcasm alert]).  Please note, if you see me on What Not To Wear in the near future, now you will understand why.  Suffice it to say, packing non-stop for three days, often until 4 am, will undoubtedly lead to some odd choices in what you deem “necessary.”  And apparently the same goes for the unnecessary as I already realized I didn’t pack my Soni-Care toothbrush.  Whoops!

Since our apartment was stripped bare and our flights weren’t until the next day, we stayed at Kyle’s boss’ midtown apartment (ahem, the CEO of the company).  And yes, I did just specify which of the CEO’s apartments we were at…baller much?

You. Have. No. Idea.


This place is INSANE.  And it’s smack dab in the middle of Manhattan.


The elevator opens to a single door, so the apartment mansion is the entire floor of the building.

Get ready for a seriously disgusting montage…


Part of the library.


The dining room (with quite the view I might add).


A few of the bedrooms.


Seriously, how much more of a bedroom view could you ask for?


Oh, hello Times Square.  Oh, hey there, Carnegie Hall.

And don’t even get me started on the kitchen…


Two ovens?  Sub-zero fridge?  Temperature gauged wine rack?  I mean, I couldn’t even get the full kitchen of this place in one picture!  (For reference sake, our entire apartment can fit in one frame).


Basically, this kitchen ALONE is the size of our apartment (sadly, that’s not a joke OR an exaggeration).

And the fact that this place is only for the CEO’s business trip accommodations (while traveling in the US) makes me a little sick…and by sick I mean jealous. 


I know I’ve never mentioned who Kyle works for, but here’s a bit of a hint.


Did you catch that?


After we picked our jaws up off the floor, we went out to enjoy our last few hours in NYC.  Which means another Starbucks run (iced coffee with soymilk) and an obnoxious trek through Times Square to get to a movie theater (it was a true New York summer day yesterday – humidity and all – so the chilly theatre was exactly what the MD RN ordered).

In case anyone was wondering, Hot Tub Time Machine = worst movie ever.  It took all self control to not walk out. 

As for my last meal?  I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Why mess with perfection?  Especially after the macro disaster the other night.

I had three tofu balls covered in sesame seeds, and a box full of assorted yummies (most of the buried treasures are not visible to the camera). 


I also tried Honest Kombucha for the first time and I have nothing but good things to report!  I went with the Apple Jasmine flavor, but all the other options sounded delicious too.  It wasn’t nearly as vinegar tasting as other Kombucha, and not really as fizzy either (aka it didn’t blow up in my face upon opening).  Plus, it was on sale (2 for $6).  Definitely my new fave.  Well done Honest.

After dinner we walked around more…and then called it a night. 

Now I’m at JFK and I won’t even go into the drama it took to get 7.5 pieces of luggage here with just the 2 of us.

I’m now in LA and getting my wine-face on.  I’ll be in and out for the next few days…

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